
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hey Crocheting Cat Lady! Where've you been?

Oh holy cow! I didn't realise how long it's been since I last posted.  Two months!  What's up with that?  I wish I could say that I neglected my posting because life was just so exciting I couldn't find the time.  But I can't.  While life over the last two months has definitely been eventful, I can't say it's been exciting. 

The most important event over the last two months is that I finally quit my job.  Yay!  I know I haven't mentioned my job very much previously, but I didn't want to use my blog as a bitch fest.  Suffice it to say that my job made me very unhappy for five and a half years, and I finally had enough about two months ago and started looking for other work.  (That was about the time I started investigating how to open my own craft supply store.)  I really didn't want to leave my job without another one to take it's place, but circumstances forced me to. 

My job was supposed to be temporary employment while I went to graduate school, but when the economy tanked, I ended up staying there.  It was just so hard to find a new job, especially since most of my work experience was in the medical career field.  Do you know how hard it is to get a job outside of the career field that your experience is in?  Throw degrees in English on top of it, and no one wants you.  Not only do you not have the experience they want, but they think your education will make you dissatisfied with anything but a job concerning your degree.  ARGH!

For the last two years, I had been having minor anxiety attacks while at work.  Shortness of breath, tight chest, dizziness, that sort of thing.  (However, one time I had an attack while on the phone with a patient and actually lost consciousness for a few seconds.  I should have quit then.)  Anyway, on my last day of work, I had a major attack that landed me in the ER.  The Urgent Care doctor didn't want to take the chance that it wasn't actually a heart attack, so he loaded me into an ambulance and shipped me to the hospital.  Understandable, but expensive.  Well, it wasn't a heart attack, but it was a wake up call.  I decided then, while in my little hospital johnny with tubes and wires sticking out all over, that if I didn't quit my job, my anxiety attacks would end up actually giving me a heart attack.  The next day, I quit.  And again, Yay!  Or maybe, Yay?

Soooo.  Now I just sit around the house and fill out job applications and hope my prospective employers will look beyond the masters degree and lack of experience and just give me a chance.  (Are you listening Hastings?  I think I would make a great book or video department manager.  Heck, I'll work in the coffee shop.  Anything to work at my favorite store.  And have an income, of course.)  Shameless plug over. 

So, I haven't been wasting all my time.  I did finish three baby blankets and make a hair tie and arm bracelet for my niece's junior prom.  (I've got a lot of time on my hands, now.)  Here are pictures of the jewelry:

I crocheted silver wire and weaved beads in for a cute arm bracelet to match my niece's Greek goddess style dress.
This is the matching hair piece.
And the complete look.  I had a little fun having her pose with that vase.  Isn't she just a lovely, young lady?  (I know I'm biased.  Cut me some slack!)

Well, I think that's going to be it for now.  I have to go clean my office and open every box to look for my transcripts.  It seems that the Colorado department of Education requires that information when you apply for a high school English teacher position. 
With love,
The Crocheting Cat Lady (unemployed, but anxiety attack free!)

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