
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ta Da!

It's been a rough week.  Power outages, mean callers at work, sneezing, coughing, phlegm monsters residing in my throat.  I would elaborate (okay, bitch,) but I'm not really in the mood.  Besides, the ending of my week made up for all the rest. 

First of all, I spent a lot of time on Pinterest, again, and got some great decoupage ideas.  The difference between this weekend and my usual Pinterest browse is that today I actually went to the store to pick up what I need to work on some of those ideas.  Yay me!  Hopefully I'll have some pictures of new projects to post soon. 

The second thing that made my week brighter is that, after 2 weeks, I have finally finished my bicycle basket.  It shouldn't have take so long, but I'm not a very good seamstress.  This project not only forced me to use those nearly non-existent skills, but it also required me to come up with my own pattern for the liner.  It looks a little rough, but for my very first made-from-scratch basket liner, I think it came out all right. 

I think my favorite thing on this basket, though, is the flower.  The petals are from a pattern I got from Pinterest (I knew all those hours browsing, um...researching, would pay off,) but the yellow center is of my own design.  Like the liner, this is my first attempt at creating a crochet design.  It's got some bumps to work out, but by the time I'm ready to create my own petal design, I'm sure I'll have the yellow center perfected.

 All in all, I think my basket project was a success.  It looks so cute on my bicycle.  Don't cha think?

I can't wait for the weather to warm up enough to go for a ride.  The first place I'll go to is Hastings for some new books.  Ah, could life be any sweeter?  (Okay.  If it were a tandem bike with Gerard Butler on the back seat, it would be a lot sweeter.  But I'm a simple woman.  I can accept a single bike and new books...for now.) 

With Love,
The Crocheting Cat Lady

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