
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Why Pinterest is the Devil or How I Spent My Saturday

Very recently, I decided to check out Pinterest.  All of my friends were doing it, so I said, "What the heck.  I'll jump off that cliff."  This site is the best and worst thing that could happen to a crafter. 

For those of you who haven't heard of this online social phenomenon, let me explain how it works.  You browse through pictures on other members' "boards."  When you see something you like or agree with, or just gets your motor humming, you "pin" it to one of your own boards.  Other people may then browse your board and "repin" from you.  It's a cycle.  I'm still new to the site, so I haven't figured out the nuances, yet.  (For example, I haven't found any messaging techniques, or other ways of communication besides the afor mentioned "pinning," that would make this a "social" site, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.  It just means that I've been too busy pinning to notice.) 

Saturday I spent the day watching the first season of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer" on DVD and browsing Pinterest.  (Just so you know, I love all things Joss Whedon.  Yes, even "Dollhouse.")  I've never had a day pass so quickly.  If you have ever seen anything DIY that you've said, "How the heck did they do that.  I want to learn how to do that," you can find the instructions on this site.  It's a virtual paradise for us crafty types.  I've pinned so many crochet and craft projects to my boards that I'm sure my busy little hands will be occupied until the next projected Apocalypse.  (When is the next one supposed to happen?  Anyone know?) 

I had spent approximately 12 hours on this site, stopping only for food and bathroom breaks, when it dawned on me.  I was spending so much time browsing through fascinating tutorials, that I hadn't actually started any of the projects that captured my imagination.  Aha!  So there it is.  This site was created not to provide knowledge and assistance, but to keep you so occupied looking for said knowledge, you never actually implement it.  It's diabolical, I tell you.

With this information in hand, I was finally able to put my two English degrees to good use.  I used the analytical skills taught to me by my beloved professors to deduce that this site must have been created by Satan, himself.  Who else could have invented something as insidious and capable of turning normally industrious people into mindless drones, pointing and clicking themselves into obesity and lethargy.  Ingenious! 

I can tell you, I was a bit shocked at this revelation and had to stop what I was doing to take it all in.  What was I doing?  How could I let evil, no Evil, manipulate me so easily?  Then I saw a pattern for the most adorable sock monkey I've ever seen.  I pinned that bad boy and moved on to the next page.

So, this is why Pinterest is the Devil.  Now, if you will excuse me, season two of Buffy is on, and I have to go back to that board with the sock monkey.  I think I saw a pattern for curtains that would look fabulous in my brother's kitchen.

With Love,
The Crocheting Cat Lady

1 comment:

  1. I have thought this so many times. Not only are my days wasted, but I also come to bed with my hubby and decide I will putter around on my iPad until i get sleepy, only to sit up, look at the clock and realize its 4am.
